12 Dec 2018

Register now! Who: 1st and 2nd Year Physics postgraduate researchers working on theoretical and experimental advanced materials wanting to learn what each other can do. What:� A� 2-day residential workshop that describes the background science of advanced materials and experimental and theoretical techniques to study them. When: 8-9 April 2019 Where:� Royal Holloway, University of London (Accommodation at Travelodge twin occupancy) Numbers: Circa 25-30 delegates
This residential school provides an overview of research on advanced materials. It comprises lectures, tutorials, hands-on computing practice and, working in small groups, students will write a proposal for central facilities resource. Assuming only a knowledge of undergraduate level physics, it should be beneficial to students working on both theoretical and/or experimental projects.
Strong correlations: The session will cover the theoretical concepts necessary to understand�strongly correlated systems. Numerical modelling: This session will introduce Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, and first-principles quantum mechanical simulation. Optical spectroscopies: This session will cover the basics of optical spectroscopy, spectrometers and spectrographs using photoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy and absorption spectroscopy. X-ray and neutron scattering: This session will cover neutron and synchrotron sources, instrumentation, basic scattering theory, structure determination, magnetic structures and excitations, lattice dynamics and diffusion. Register here.� Registration deadline�1 March 2019.
This event is free (SEPnet pays for your accommodation and course fees) for SEPnet postgraduate researchers and travel expenses incurred can be claimed from your Physics Department.